January 22, 2025

Your Upright Back – Your Healthy Chakras

Chakras have been known to us humans for more than 4.000 years known. They were first mentioned by the ancient Egyptians and Eastern civilizations. Medicine and science at that time focused very intensively on our energetic makeup.

In today’s society there is a strong materialistic view of the body. Solid structures such as muscles, bones, tendons and nerves enjoy the highest attention and are being investigated more and more in the latest research methods.

In order to reveal the secrets of our body, we also need a good understanding of our inner structures, which are neither visible nor palpable.

Thousands of years of research into our energetic body did not have high-tech MRIs and CTs, nor would they have been of use to the ancient Egyptians or Yogis.

Instead, you had a much more valuable tool at hand – an enormously developed consciousness. In meditations they found energy pathways called nadis and along the spine they described 7 main energy centers known to us today as chakras.

Different cultures, which never came into contact with each other in time or space, developed the concept of hidden energetic pathways and centers, which are not visible to the eye, through meditative or religious experiences. However, these energy centers could be reliably described by the effects they had on us humans.

Chakras and their importance for our life energy

Like every living being, we humans need substances that supply us with energy. Best known are our food, the water and the oxygen in the air. For the absorption of a fourth form of food our chakras are responsible. Even if only in small amounts, our chakras constantly absorb universal energy from our environment and transform it into another form of energy, which is as important to us as our daily bread and water.

The chakras, which are in close contact with each other, distribute the energy among themselves and let it flow into the corresponding areas of the body. Thus, our chakras are responsible for energy absorption, its transformation into different forms of energy and the distribution of energy in our energetic system.

However, our body is not only dependent on energy from the outside. From the beginning of our life it has a certain reservoir of energy, which we call life energy. In Chinese this is called ‘Chi’. The yogis call it Kundalini. For an ideal function of our body our life energy must flow as unhindered as possible straight from the bottom to the top and flow through all chakras.

The 4 levels of being

Our body and being consists of 4 levels. the physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual. These levels are connected by the chakras, which transform energies from one form to another and distribute them to the desired levels.

Chakras are the connecting pieces between the levels of our body. Consequently our body is therefore a dynamic system in itself, in which there is a constant exchange between our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

How an upright posture strengthens our chakras

All four levels of being influence the function of our chakras. At this point we will talk about the influence of the chakras on our body, the physical level.

Although it may sound banal to many, an upright position is essential for the proper functioning of our organs, as well as for the undisturbed functioning of our chakras. Sitting slumped in front of the computer creates pressure on your stomach, the movement of your intestines decreases and your breathing becomes shallower because your chest cannot expand accordingly. In this way you create a lack of oxygen and limit the supply of nutrients.

In our energetic body similar processes take place at the same time. Only with a straight posture a good energy flow between the chakras is possible. Not only the stomach suffers from the pressure of the forward inclined upper body, but also the function of our third chakra, which is located in the area of the solar plexus. Thus, the supply and exchange of energy in this chakra is impaired by the bent posture.

How hunched sitting affects our chakras – The third chakra, an example

As already mentioned, the third chakra suffers greatly from the pressure of sitting slumped over. In its physical area of responsibility fall the organs of digestion such as z.B. Stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines. In energetic and psychological terms, the third chakra also revolves around the digestion of the various energies acting from within and without and the purposeful directing of them.

Upright posture is essential for our physical and energetic body

Many of us often sit for hours. Our posture is rarely optimal. Typically, the shoulders fall forward and the pelvis tilts backwards. Our body collapses like a jackknife. The fulcrum of this coincidence is the solar plexus at the front of the body and the lower thoracic spine at the back of the body. In other words, the fulcrum of this movement and therefore the point of most stress is in the area of the third chakra.

Squeezed into this unfortunate position, neither the digestive organs nor the lungs can do their job. There is an undersupply of oxygen and a lack of replenishment of nutrients.

Pressure from above and below affects the absorption of energy from the environment, interferes with the distribution and transformation of energy, and is an obstacle to the life energy striving upward from below. Thus, a slumped posture leads to a significant decrease in the activity of our third chakra.

How decreased third chakra activity affects us

Each chakra is responsible for the expression of certain character qualities. In the third chakra, a particularly important character quality is ambition, which I would like to exemplify here for all qualities of the third chakra. If the function of the third chakra is limited, the expression of the character qualities contained in the chakra often suffers as well, in this case the expression of our Ambition.

Ambition is our ability to focus and direct our energies to achieve a goal. If the third chakra is in a good condition, ambition shows itself in its balanced very healthy form. Here we can consciously focus our energies on a goal and realize it with the help of patience and perseverance.

Sitting for long periods of time puts pressure on our third chakra and weakens it. The energy flow in the chakra decreases. The life energy flowing from the first chakra towards the seventh chakra now has problems passing through the third chakra, and the transformation and distribution of energy in the third chakra’s area of responsibility falters.

Thus, the expression of character qualities such as ambition is also restricted. Weakened ambition stems from the inability of our third chakra to focus our energies and subordinate them to a specific goal. This makes it difficult for us to formulate a clear will. In cases of extremely weakened ambition, we show only very weak will of our own and strongly adapt to the changing wills of our fellow human beings.

3 tips to improve your alignment and strengthen your chakras

1) Reduce sitting time

Sitting is no longer avoidable in our modern times. Although our physical design is not built for a life of sitting, there are some things we can do to lessen the burden of sitting. For example, it is advisable to arrange your office as dynamically as possible, so that frequent trips to the copier, telephone and colleagues are inevitable. It is also advisable to alternate between standing and sitting to reduce sitting time.

2) Chiropractic treatments

Chiropractic is one of the best methods to straighten our body quickly and sustainably. Because chiropractic works strongly with our physical and energetic bodies, it is doubly effective and specifically increases the flow of life energy in the chakras.

3) Use positive emotions and thoughts

Numerous studies have proven the great effect of positive thinking on our health and attitude towards life. Positive thoughts can also help the erection. Picture an overjoyed person or a person who feels very honored. Can you see how upright this appears? Here we have a good example of how our positive thoughts and emotions are expressed through our chakras to our body.

About the author

Jan Müller is a chiropractor, physiotherapist and alternative practitioner and specializes in the connections between our physical and energetic body. In his practice, he works in close cooperation with experts from various disciplines. As part of a team of experts, he also gives health seminars and talks about the connection between our physical and our energetic level.