October 22, 2024

Psychotherapeutic healing practices – methods and areas of application

Even if orthodox medicine is far advanced, it cannot always be successful. In addition, chemical medications play a major role there, almost all of which also carry the risk of certain side effects.

In the meantime, many human physicians recommend complementary healing methods in addition to the classical treatment. In addition, more and more people are reflecting on our nature and its numerous products.

They take the direct path to an alternative practitioner, especially in the psychotherapeutic field.

Diverse help from alternative practitioners for psychotherapy

A non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy has various interesting possibilities at his disposal to support patients mentally, to rebuild them and, for example, to free them from depression.

On the one hand, natural means are used, on the other hand, there are innovative treatment methods that give the best results even without homeopathic medicines.

Especially for people with psychological problems it is important to have a relaxed atmosphere in the practice, which focuses on the individual development alternatives.

A good alternative practitioner offers affected persons in an initial anamnesis conversation the opportunity to present their respective needs and goals. This gives it the possibility to support each person in an individual way.

Heilpraktiker for psychotherapy in a conversation with clients

Below we have compiled some methods as well as their areas of application.

It is known that about 80 percent of our actions are unconsciously controlled. This fact can be compared to an iceberg, where only the tip sticks out of the water, but the larger part is hidden underneath.

It is similar with our psyche, only 20 percent of our thoughts and actions are consciously directed. A hypnosis therapy does not bring the for us sight and/or. Tangible to the surface.

Under the guidance of an alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, the patient finds intensive relaxation and the consciousness moves into the background. He gets into his inner world, which holds causes and approaches to solutions.

From this, new ideas arise, which can later be adopted into reality, depending on one’s own wishes. Usually only a few sessions are necessary for a positive result.

Hypnosis can be used to treat not only psychological, but also physical ailments. Naturopaths emphasize that body and soul walk a common path, which is why all diseases should be treated holistically. Areas of application include:

  • Allergies/hay fever,
  • Anxiety,
  • Lack of drive,
  • Burn-out,
  • Depression,
  • Fear of flying,
  • Libido weakness,
  • Fatigue,
  • Neurodermatitis,
  • Exam anxiety
  • overcoming trauma.

Smoking cessation through hypnotherapy
Alternative practitioners also have great success with smoking cessation. In some cases, freedom from smoking can be achieved after just one session.

This method has many positive aspects: The craving for nicotine is eliminated, no withdrawal symptoms appear and no weight gain either. In general, after hypnosis therapy, ex-smokers eat as usual or even more consciously and live healthier and happier lives overall.

Who visits a Heilpraktiker for smoking cessation, should pay attention to an extensive experience of the provider. It is positive if he takes time for the person seeking help for an initial conversation, either on the phone or on site.

Usually there is a possibility to carry out the necessary sessions both in the office and at home. Basically, in these, the alternative practitioner assesses exactly which unconscious and conscious reasons lead to smoking.

Likewise, certain thought patterns are processed. This is followed by hypnosis, which is the start of the withdrawal process.

This is a scientifically recognized method using the latest technology. It enables almost all people to self-regulate their brain activity in a targeted manner.

Neurofeedback is a personal training session for the brain. It helps to better exploit one’s potential and stabilized functionality.

This method, also known as EEG biofeedback, has been used for more than 30 years: An EEG device shows the brain wave of the person being treated on a monitor in real time.

The patient learns to control the activity of his or her brain through feedback during certain mental states, including concentration, relaxation and tension.

One session should be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. Depending on the client, 10 to 30 sessions are required. At the beginning they should be done one to three times a week, after appropriate progress once a week is enough.

To a Neurofeedback advise alternative practitioners for psychotherapy for example with:

  • Fear,
  • Listlessness,
  • Burn-Out,
  • Depression,
  • Performance reduction,
  • Panic attacks,
  • Mourning and overcoming trauma.

Psychotherapeutic help through behavioral therapy
A competent alternative practitioner for psychotherapy is also perfectly familiar with behavioral therapy. It is one of the most widely used psychotherapeutic treatment options, with countless scientific knowledge to draw on as a basis.

There are a number of areas of application in which behavior therapy has proven its worth. It is based on findings of the contemporary learning theory. This stands for the fact that every single behavior can be learned and maintained as well as unlearned again.

Experts, following the behavioral therapy, consider mental disorders as an erroneously learned behavior under adaptation to internal and external stimuli.

The aim of the treatment is for the patient to learn what he has not learned and to relearn what he has learned incorrectly. In addition, the patient is encouraged to further develop active and positive behaviors. to be rebuilt. This form of therapy is used, for example, for: